Error while compiling the PSLM compatible version

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to compile the PSML-compatible version of siesta, but I get the error:

siesta_init.F(397): error #6631: A non-optional actual argument must be present when invoking a procedure with an explicit interface. [COMM]
call gridxc_init()

Indeed, the subroutine gridxc_init in the gridxc libraries requires the comm argument. Am I missing anything or is there a bug in the siesta_init.F file of this version?

Just for reference, the dependencies libgridxc, libpsml and xmlf90-1.5.4 compiled without issues and I’m trying to compile siesta with the intel-17 compiler and libraires.

Thanks for your help and regards,


I found the problem, I had a typo in my arch.make and was’t passing correctly the flag -DMPI. Once the typo was fixed the code compiles and runs fine. Thanks to Alberto García for pointing me in the right direction!